3 ene 2013

Review ~ Reseña Sliding beneath the surface by Doug Dillon

Sliding Beneath the Surface (The St. Augustine Trilogy, #1)

Sliding - blogA new resident of America’s oldest and most haunted city, St. Augustine, Florida, fifteen-year-old Jeff Golden suddenly finds himself up to his eyeballs in frightening paranormal experiences. At the end of his rope in trying to figure out what is happening to him, Jeff decides to rely on his friend Carla Rodriguez, and Lobo, an old Native American shaman, for help.
Despite this guidance, things get even worse. Jeff’s spine tingling encounters increase in number and intensity at an alarming rate, scaring him even more. Eventually, he makes the startling discovery that unresolved circumstances involving a bloody event directly out of Florida’s distant past threatens his sanity and possibly his life.
Finally, overwhelmed by forces he cannot understand or control, Jeff’s world shifts from frightening to downright terrifying. In desperation, and on Lobo’s advice, he leaps headlong into the unknown in order to save himself. What Jeff discovers though is that he has entered a level of reality he is completely unprepared to handle while unwittingly dragging Carla with him.
Like all the books in THE ST. AUGUSTINE TRILOGY, the premise for Sliding Beneath the Surface is simply this: You create your own reality. 

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About the author
Doug Dillon
Doug DillonA former award winning educator, Doug writes about things paranormal and historical. His interest in the paranormal comes from personal experiences as detailed in the nonfiction adult book he and wife wrote titled, An Explosion of Being: An American Family's Journey into the Psychic. Out of those events and extensive historical research, he then created Sliding Beneath the Surface for young adults, Book I of the St. Augustine Trilogy. Doug set his trilogy in the oldest and most haunted city in the United States, St. Augustine, Florida. Books II and III of the trilogy are on the way.

(please don’t make us wait a lot of time!!)

Find him @

My Review!

This is one of those book that's mixed with a lot of things, not to the point of being annoying, it's so perfectly structured with romance, paranormal, history, suspense and more that you can actually enjoy it. I love things to be described thoroughly because you get a major view of the story and is easier to be part of it.
Jeff and Carla, both teenagers, it was credible how they develop as the story goes. Doug captured the voice of a teenage very well.

Mr. Jeff Golden (yes, it's "that" tone haha) is having nightmares, but not the normal ones, when Carla, his "crush" finds out about this, she decides to go and look for Lobo's guidance to help Jeff. Their journey is full of time traveling, ghosts and you can't help your heart race be as fast as long the story comes unfolding.

One thing: Chinese puzzle balls. So cool, I want one!

Are you a lover of ya paranormal stories about ghosts, with suspense and a little bit of romance?
Definetely you should read this book!!!

¡5 stars!

Mi resena

Este es uno de esos libros que está mezclado de muchas cosas, no al punto de ser molesto, está perfectamente estructurado con romance, paranormal, historia, suspenso y más que puedes disfrutar de verdad. Me encanta que las cosas sean descritas minuciosamente porque tienes una vista importante de la historia y es fácil ser parte de ella.

Jeff y Carla, ambos adolescentes, fue creíble como se desarrollan mientras la historia avanza. Doug capturó muy bien la voz de un adolescente.

El Señor Jeff Golden, (si, es “ese” tono jaja) está teniendo pesadillas, pero no de las normales, cuando Carla, su “enamorada” se entera de esto, decide ir en busca de orientación de Lobo para ayudar a Jeff. Su aventura está llena de viajes en el tiempo, fantasmas y no puedes evitar que tu corazón acelere tan rápido como la historia se va desarrollando.

Una Cosa: Las bolas chinas en rompecabezas (*No se si se traduce así, pero no encontré su nombre en español*)  ¡Geniales! ¡Quiero una!

¿Eres un amante de las historias juveniles paranormales sobre fantasmas, con suspenso y un poco de romance? ¡¡¡Definitivamente deberías de leer este libro!!!

¡5 estrellas!



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