9 sept 2012

Reseña - Review - Easy by Tammara Webber

Autora: Tammara Webber
Publicado: Autopublicado el 24 de Mayo de 2012

When Jacqueline follows her longtime boyfriend to the college of his choice, the last thing she expects is a breakup two months into sophomore year. After two weeks in shock, she wakes up to her new reality: she's single, attending a state university instead of a music conservatory, ignored by her former circle of friends, and failing a class for the first time in her life.

Leaving a party alone, Jacqueline is assaulted by her ex's frat brother. Rescued by a stranger who seems to be in the right place at the right time, she wants nothing more than to forget the attack and that night--but her savior, Lucas, sits on the back row of her econ class, sketching in a notebook and staring at her. Her friends nominate him to be the perfect rebound.

When her attacker turns stalker, Jacqueline has a choice: crumple in defeat or learn to fight back. Lucas remains protective, but he's hiding secrets of his own. Suddenly appearances are everything, and knowing who to trust is anything but easy.

About the author..

Tammara WebberReading was one of my first and earliest loves, and writing soon followed. My first book was about a lost bear, but my lack of ability as an illustrator convinced me to abandon that effort and concentrate on passing 3rd grade. I wrote sad romantic poetry in high school and penned my first half-novel when I was 19, for which I did lots of research on Vikings (the marauders, not the football team). It was "accidentally" destroyed when I stuffed it into the shredder at work.

Addictions: coffee and Cherry Garcia frozen yogurt. Also baby carrots, but not with coffee or frozen yogurt, because that would be disgusting. I love shopping for earrings, because they always fit - even if I occasionally "forget" to work out. I'm a hopeful romantic who adores novels with happy endings, because there are enough sad endings in real life.

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I'm officialy in love with Lucas.. 

This story is really beautiful.
Jacqueline, is a survivor. She survived to be sexually attacked, twice. She survived to her first break-up. She refused to be a victim, she wanted to have control.
I loved that this book is so real. You can easily relate with the characters, you love them or hate them. It's a lesson you have to learn in life. You can't expect everything to last forever, but to enjoy it as much as possible, and to recognize this strenght inside of you, knowing that even if something hurts, you will get through it. 
Totally loved this book. My question is, why didn't I read something about this author before?? I think I missed so much, but I'm looking forward to read all of her books. Here's a new fan of Tammara Webber! 


Estoy oficialmente enamorada de Lucas ..

Esta historia es realmente hermosa, es acerca de las luchas en la vida. Jacqueline, es una sobreviviente. Sobrevivió a ser agredidas sexualmente, dos veces. Sobrevivió a su primera ruptura. Se negó a ser una víctima, ella quería tener el control.

  Me encantó que este libro es tan real. Puedes relacionarte con los personajes, los amas o los odias. Es una lección que hay que aprender en la vida. No se puede esperar que todo dure para siempre, sino que lo disfrutes tanto como sea posible, y reconocer esta fuerza dentro de ti, sabiendo que si algo le duele, puedes sobrellevarlo. Me encantó totalmente este libro. Mi pregunta es, ¿por qué no he leído algo sobre esta autora antes? Creo que me perdí mucho, pero tengo muchas ganas de leer todos sus libros. He aquí una nueva fan de Tammara Webber!

Más datos..

El 4 de Septiembre, la autora anunció en su blog que Razorbill  publicará los sus libros.
Los derechos comprados se extienden a ventas hasta Alemania, Italia, Francia y España.

¡Felicidades, Tammara!

2 comentarios:

  1. Ooh, I've been hearing so many great things about this book. I'm glad you found it so endearing!!

    Ana @ BookSpark

  2. It is better than everything I read about it! You should read it!


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