10 mar 2013


I have neglected my blog. I know. And I ask thousands of apologies. I know I've failed to blog tours and activities but is not for something insignificant. As some of you may know, I am from El Salvador. And in my country there are a number of difficulties, that as a citizen, I am not willing to be silent. Especially when there disappearances without trace. People who are working, who teach at universities, which are the daily sustenance of their families, parents of your friends .. I refused to not be part of this. Over a week ago, the father of a childhood friend joined the disappeared. We have been on a relentless pursuit filled with activities. Here you can see some photos.

We still don't know anything about him.
Added to that, I had a series of personal and family events that I have  had to the point of becoming distracted with everything else. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and I can not have children without treatment. Whereas now I'm still studying and not want children, I don't worry as much as I know I will when the time at which I want to start a family.

So it was not easy for me. And I apologize to all that I have failed to. I'll try to get back to my normal activities as soon posible at my blog, but I ask patience, please. And thank you very much for understanding.


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