9 dic 2012

Starflower by Anne Elisabeth Stengl Blog Tour: Guest Post

Hello, everyone!
Today we have something really special going on the blog! 

¡Hola a todos! 
Hoy tenemos algo muy especial en el blog

On Tour with Prism Book Tours... 
En Tour con Prism Book Tours...

It's day #9 of this amazing Tour!! We have a Guest Post from Anne Elisabeth Stengl about Night Terrors.
¡¡Es el día #9 de este asombroso tour!! Tenemos una Entrada de nuestra invitada Anne Elisabeth Stengl sobre Noches de Terror. 

Night Terrors

Research, as those of you who write already know, is often freakishly random.

Those of you who don't write . . .well, let me give you some insight into the strange workings of the Writer's Life. Specifically, research. Very specifically, research for a fantasy novel.

I have never written a novel set in the "real world." But I have a fairly good idea what it looks like to research for one of those. While I was growing up, my mother pursued a successful career as a short-historical romance novelist, and I have vivid memories of her seated on the couch with piles of research books all around her and a notepad in her lap. I remember the eye-widening horror that filled her face during her reading (those Tudors were crazy folks!), or the bursts of sudden laughter (looking-for-love letters from the 1800s are at least as funny as online dating profiles today!).

This type of research made a lot of sense. You get your story idea; you select a time period that suits it; you order the books, you make your notes; you write your story and, hey presto! You have a book.

Just not quite how it works in the fantasy world, is it?

Not that I haven't pulled out my own piles of research books. For my recently-written Book 5, Dragonwitch (releasing summer 2013), I had out books on the Norman Conquest, James Frazer's The Golden Bough, a work or two on the life of medieval peasants, and others. But do you know what ended up being one of the most interesting bits of research I did for a recent novel?

Night terrors.

This weird sleep phenomenon possibly runs in families, though the mind in sleep is difficult to research, so no one knows for certain. Members of my family get them, some more regularly than others. I had them myself as a child, but nothing quite like what I've experienced in recent history.

Night terrors are a dream state, different from nightmares in that they happen during the first few hours of sleep, the NREM stage (non-rapid eye movement stage). While nightmares happen fairly often for most people, only 1% of adults experience night terrors in their lifetime!

What it is, on a broad scale, is an overwhelming feeling of utter terror that comes upon a sleeper in the night, without provocation, but with very, very real sensations that often include hallucinations. Many people scream when they experience them. Most people don't recall ever having them and simply feel fatigued the morning after. But there are those precious few who remain completely lucid through the whole thing.

I am one of those. Lucky me!
Actually, odd as it may sound, I ended up being rather grateful recently when I experienced the second of my lucid night terrors. During the episode, I was more terrified than I have ever been in my entire life. My heart rate must have been through the roof, and my chest was sore the whole of the next day. During the episode, I felt what seemed to be electric explosions in the front of my brain. I was so terrified--beyond all reason terrified. I opened my mouth and tried to scream. But my throat closed up. I was literally scared speechless.

Then it passed. I was awake. My husband slept sweetly beside me. There was nothing in the room to fear. Nothing whatsoever.

I lay for some time, my heart racing out of control, and I thought to myself, "Wow. That's just what I need to make that one plot point in Dragonwitch believable."

Yeah. Such a writer.

But, as any of you who have read my series know, dreams are an important, recurring element of my work. The Lady of Dreams and her brother, the Death of Dreams, are my primary two antagonists. So you know what? Night terrors. Research! Fantastic research, just what I needed for my novel!

I got up the next day and read up on this parasomnia disorder (isn't that an intimidating phrase?). I talked to family members to discover who among them have experienced it as well. This was the practical side of research. But I have found that for my work, the actual live experience, while not always as much fun, often produces the best results when it comes to writing "convincing fantasy."

This was true when it came time for those fencing scenes in Heartless. Sure, I could read up on fencing and pore over famous swashbuckler novels. But it was in the going and doing of the sport that I felt I was able to bring an authenticity to those scenes in my novel.

The problem with fantasy is that there are so many otherworldly elements that you really can't go out and experience firsthand. This makes it even more important to be sensitive to your daily experiences, to see the supernatural in the everyday, to know how to take and twist (just a little bit) something completely ordinary so that you can see the extraordinary within.

Well, I suppose night terrors are, in and of themselves, plenty extraordinary . . . The point is not to take experiences like that and say, "That stinks. I hope that never happens again," but instead to say, "Wow! What an interesting thing just happened to me that I would rather not happen again but, hey! I can use it!"

Bad experiences like heartbreak, like loss of a job, like an ornery sibling, like a broken limb, like . . . you name it. These are the things that, once taken and reoriented slightly, will make a fantasy story--with all its dragons and magic and other worlds--sing with honest realism.

Terrores nocturnos

La Investigación, como todos ustedes que escriben ya lo saben, es muy frecuentemente al azar.
Ustedes que no escriben....bueno, déjenme darles una percepción en los extraños trabajos de la vida de un escritor. Específicamente, la investigación. Muy específicamente investigación para una novela de fantasía.
Nunca he escrito una novela ambientada en la "vida real". Pero tengo una idea cercana en como se ve el investigar para una de ellas. Mientras crecía, mi mama perseguía una carrera exitosa como una escritora de novelas cortas románticas. Y tengo memorias muy vividas de ella sentada en el sillón con pilas de libros de investigación alrededor de ella y una libreta de notas en su regazo. Recuerdo el gran horror que llenaba su rostro durante sus lecturas (esos Tudors eran gente loca), o las carcajadas repentinas (¡cartas de buscando-el-amor de los 1800's son tan graciosas como ver perfiles de citas hoy en línea!).
Este tipo de investigaciones tenían mucho sentido. Obtienes la idea de tu historia; escoges un tiempo que le corresponda; ordenas los libros, haces tus notas, escribes tu historia y, ¡hey presto! Tienes un libro.
No tanto como funciona en el mundo de la fantasía, ¿cierto?
No que no haya sacado mi propia pila de libros de investigación. Para mi reciente escrito libro número 5, Dragonwitch (saliendo al mercado el verano del 2013), tenía libros de la Conquista Normana, The Golden Bough de James Frazer, uno o dos trabajos sobre la vida de campesinos medievales, y otros. ¿Pero sabes cual terminó siendo parte de las más interesantes investigaciones que hice recientemente para una novela?

Terrores nocturnos.

Este fenómeno extraño del sueño posiblemente se da en familias, aunque la mente mientras duerme es difícil de investigar, así que nadie sabe con certeza. Miembros de mi familia los padecen, algunos más regularmente que otros. Yo los tenía de pequeña, pero nada como lo que experimenté recientemente.
Los terrores nocturnos es un estado del sueño, diferente a las pesadillas en que estas ocurren en las primeras horas de dormir, el estado NREM (no rápido movimiento de los ojos). Mientras que las pesadillas pasan más comúnmente para la mayoría de las personas, ¡solo 1% de los adultos padecen terrores nocturnos en su vida!
Lo que es, en una amplia escala, un sentimiento sobre puro terror dominante que viene sobre un durmiente en la noche, sin provocación, pero con mucha, mucha sensación real que comúnmente incluye alucinaciones. Muchas personas gritan cuando lo experimentan. Muchas personas no recuerdan haberlos tenido y simplemente amanecen fatigados la mañana siguiente. Pero hay esos muy pocos que permanecen completamente lúcidos durante todo el suceso.
Yo soy una de esas. ¡Suertuda!
De hecho, por más raro que suene, terminé siendo algo agradecida recientemente cuando experimente mí segundo lúcido de terror nocturno. Durante el episodio, yo estaba mas asustada de lo que jamás he estado en mi vida. El pulso de mi corazón debió haber estado al máximo. Y mi pecho estaba adolorido todo el siguiente día. Durante el episodio sentí lo que parecían ser explosiones eléctricas en la parte frontal de mi cerebro. Estaba tan asustada - más allá de todas las razones, asustada. Abrí mi boca y traté de gritar. Pero mi garganta estaba cerrada. Estaba literalmente asustada sin palabras.
Entonces sucedió. Estaba despierta, Mi esposo dormía dulcemente a mi lado. No había nada en el cuarto que temer. Nada del todo.
Me quedé acostada por un tiempo. Mi corazón latiendo sin control, y pensé hacia mí misma, "Wow. Eso es justo lo que necesito para hacer esa trama en Dragonwitch creíble".
Si, lo sé. Toda una escritora.
Pero, como algunos de ustedes han leído en mis series ahora, los sueños son importantes, elementos recurrente en mi trabajo. La Señora de los Sueños y su hermano, la Muerte de los Sueños, son mis principales dos antagonistas. Así que ¿saben que?, Terrores Nocturnos, ¡Investigación! Fantástica investigación, ¡justo lo que necesitaba para mi novela!
Me desperté el siguiente día y leí sobre esto de el desorden de parasomnia (¿no es esa una frase intimidante?). Hable con miembros de mi familia para descubrir quienes entre ellos han experimentado esto también. Esto era la parte práctica de la investigación. Pero he descubierto que para mi trabajo, la experiencia en vivo, aunque no sea tan divertida, comúnmente produce los  mejores resultados cuando se trata de escribir "fantasía convincente".
Esto era cierto cuando se llegaba la hora de esas escenas de esgrima en Heartless. Claro, podría leer acerca de esgrima y empaparme de novelas. Pero fue en la ida y el hacer el deporte que sentía que estaba preparada para dar una autenticidad a esas escenas en mi novela.
El problema con la fantasía es que hay muchos elementos fuera de la realidad que no podías ir a experimentarlos de primera mano. Esto hace aún más importante el ser sensible con tus experiencias diarias, para ver lo supernatural en todos los días, para poder tomar algo y darle un giro (solo un poco) a algo ordinario y poder ver lo extraordinario en el.
Bueno, supongo que los terrores nocturnos son, por si solos, muy extraordinarios... El punto es no tomar una experiencia como esa y decir "Eso fue horrible. Espero no vuelva a pasar de nuevo." pero en vez de eso, decir, "!Wow¡ Que cosa tan interesante acaba de pasarme que preferiría no me volviera a suceder pero, ¡hey! ¡Puedo usarlo!
Malas experiencias como un corazón roto, una pérdida de trabajo, como un hermano intratable, como un miembro roto, como... tú nómbralo. Estas son las cosas que, una vez tomadas y redireccionadas un poco, pueden hacer una historia de fantasía--con todo y sus dragones y magia y otros mundos--sonar con realismo honesto.

More about the book..

Más sobre el libro...

Starflower  (Tales of Goldstone Wood #4)

Tales of Goldstone Wood #4
Paperback, 400 pages
Published November 1st 2012 by Bethany House


When a cursed dragon-witch kidnaps the lovely Lady Gleamdren, Eanrin sets boldly forth on a rescue mission...and a race against his rival for Gleamdren's favor. Intent upon his quest, the last thing the immortal Faerie needs is to become mixed up with the troubles of an insignificant mortal. 

But when he stumbles upon a maiden trapped in an enchanted sleep, he cannot leave her alone in the dangerous Wood Between. One waking kiss later, Eanrin suddenly finds his story entangled with that of young Starflower. A strange link exists between this mortal girl and the dragon-witch. Will Starflower prove the key to Lady Gleamdren's rescue? Or will the dark power from which she flees destroy both her and her rescuer?

About the Author:
Sobre la Autora:

Anne Elisabeth Stengl makes her home in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she lives with her husband, Rohan, a passel of cats, and one long-suffering dog. When she's not writing, she enjoys Shakespeare, opera, and tea, and studies piano, painting, and pastry baking. She studied illustration at Grace College and English literature at Campbell University. She is the author of HEARTLESS, VEILED ROSE, MOONBLOOD, and STARFLOWER, with DRAGONWITCH due to release in 2013. HEARTLESS and VEILED ROSE have each been honored with a Christy Award.

Find and Follow:

Check out all of her blogs, she has one blog for each of her books and there are lots of many cool things about them. You'll be delighted!
Echale un vistazo a sus libros, ella tiene un blog por cada uno de sus libros y hay muchas cosas geniales sobre ellos. ¡Estarás encantada/o!

The Dragonwood Series:

Bethany House

Get Your Copy:
Consigue tu copia:

Don't miss the Tour! You can still catch it up!! 
¡No te pierdas el Tour! ¡¡Todavía puedes ponerte al tanto!!

3 - Laura @ Colorimetry - Launch!
3 - Sarah @ Letters to the Cosmos - Review
4 - Kathy @ I Am a Reader, Not a Writer - Excerpt
4 - Kari @ Kari's Crowded Bookshelf - Review
5 - Aleksandra @ Aleksandra's Corner - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats I
6 - Lisa @ Bookworm Lisa - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats II
6 - Mandy @ The Reading Diaries - Review
7 - Alicia @ Mortality Bites - Dragonwitch page REVEAL
7 - Naj @ Unputdownable Books - Guest Post - Inspired by Cats III

9 - Lissette @ Passion and Life - Guest Post - Night Terrors

10 - Laura @ Colorimetry - Review

10 - Bonnie @ A Backwards Story - Review

12 - Aimee @ Getting Your Read On - Guest Post - The Faces of Love I

12 - Kimberly Krey @ Kimberly Krey - Guest Post - Drafts

13 - Abbi @ Christian Novels - Tales of Goldstone Wood Reviews

13 - Mandy @ The Reading Diaries - Interview

14 - Ivy @ Open the Page - Guest Post - The Faces of Love II

16 - Alicia @ Mortality Bites - Review

17 - Len @ Musings of a Reader Happy - Hightlight/Excerpt - Meet Dragonwitch

17 - Jen @ Literally Jen - Review

18 - Beth @ Living a Goddess Life - Review

19 - Rach @ Stressed Rach - Guest Post - Illustrated Sneak Peak

19 - Christy @ Christy's Cozy Corners - Review

20 - Heather @ Proud Book Nerd - Review

20 - Heidi @ Geo Librarian - Guest Post - The Faces of Love III

21 - Jaime @ Goodreads - Review

21 - Finale @ Colorimetry - Giveaway winner announced.

And don't forget to Catch the Christmas Read-along!

Now, we have a Giveaway:
Ahora, tenemos un regalo
*Tienes que saber inglés, ya que los libros están en ese idioma, asi que si sabes, entra al concurso :)

Grand Prize

GRAND PRIZE:  The first four books The Tales of Goldstone Wood: HeartlessVeiled RoseMoonblood and Starflower + SWAG!  

2nd Prize
A copy of Starflower + SWAG!

Enter to win until 12/20. Winner to be announced 12/21. Open to anyone who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced here & on Colorimetry as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Void where prohibited by law. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hey, Wasn't this post awesome?? REALLY AWESOME, right? Let me know what you think, have you had a night terror before? Have you experience something like that?
Thank you for stopping by! Happy Sunday to everyone!
Hey, no fue esta entrada asombrosa? REALMENTE ASOMBROSO, ¿verdad?  Dejame saber que piensas, ¿Ya has tenido un terror nocturno? ¿Has experimentado algo como eso?
¡Gracias por pasar! ¡Feliz Domingo para todos!


2 comentarios:

  1. Brilliant guest post! I have never given night terrors a great deal of thought before, but it's interesting to find out more. Thanks for sharing. :)


Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it!
Gracias por tu comentario, ¡de verdad lo aprecio!